Hello, My name is Greg Wright

full-stack dev

Picture of Greg Wright

My projects

A selection of my projects

North Atlantic Fishing Journal Curia.tv Trivia App

A little bit about me.

Software Engineer based out of the Bay Area

Full-Stack web developer with skills based in Ruby on Rails, Javascript and React/Redux. I’m a bay area native who spent the first portion of his professional life in kitchens. When the pandemic hit and I lost my Job, I was given an incredible opportunity to fully invest myself into software engineering which is something that I had interest in, but previously had no time to fully pursue. After being frustrated by the slow pace of learning for myself online, I decided to expedite my education and take a 15 week, 525 hour bootcamp at Flatiron School which gave me the skill set to help me realize my dreams of changing careers. As a former chef I have excellent team management, creative problem solving and organizational skills all which have served me well in my transition into software engineering.

Greg holding a fish